NEWS FLASH from the ZAD (Nantes airport site occupation)

Friday 26 October 2012, by zadist

See below for the daily news feed

Go HERE for general info, how to get to us, photos and videos, news of the previous week, what to bring etc.

You’re invited to join us for this weekend : invitation for the “second wave of expulsions” For the camp to be organized for this occasion (on ground we can’t be evicted from), we’re looking for marquees, circus tents, pavilions, or other such structures. Get in touch if you can lend us one!

AIDE/HELP: We need translations into English, but also other languages. In particular the News Flashes and call to decentralized actions!!!!! Thank you!!


Daily meetings:

Notre Dame des Landes, from 9 a.m.: station on the Place de la Poste (union hall – diagonally across from the Mairie [town hall]) for rides to the Zone
Nantes, from 10 AM: citizen’s watch at Pont Morand
Nantes, 7PM currently for a couple of evenings: assemble in front of the Préfecture
Rennes, at 6PM every evening: info update at the Maison de la Grève

Meetings today:
de 10h30 à 17h30 à Nîmes : L’association ARBRES tiendra un stand d’information place de l’horloge
Nantes : à 19h : Assemblée d’organisation de la manif de réoccupation
ZAD : à 21h invitation pour la “deuxième vague d’expulsion”
Strasbourg : manif contre l’aéroport ICI
Rennes :à 18h30 rassemblement à , place de la mairie,
Chateaubriant : à 18h30 rassemblement devant la mairie
La Roche sur Yon :à 18h devant la Préfecture de Vendée :Soutien expulsion d’une famille et expulsion de la ZAD

Upcoming meetings:
du 26 au 28/10 : Toulouse ; congrès national du PS … appel à rassemblement ici
Samedi 27/10 à 15h, Nantes 4ème manif mensuelle contre l’aéroport
Samedi 27/10 : Lille pique-nique
Samedi 27/10 – Vannes – 9h30 devant la Poste : en soutien aux anti-aéroport de NDDLandes et contre les expulsions
Mercredi 31/10 : Le collectif “Vinci Dégage Touraine” appelle à un rassemblement devant le siège de la filiale immobilier de cette entreprise à 18h, 52 bis rue Bernard Palissy à Tours

HERE meetings our comrades in the struggle have told us about.

Map with good resolution HERE

Despite what the honorable Prefect suggests, logistical  organization at the ZAD is still operational! The bakery has been arranged to serve as a ZAD center and is open on the same days and times as before! 

Daily news feed
10:20: a gendarmerie van with the facial recognition specialist aboard it is patrolling the area
9:30 : verdict from the sentencing judge:
Le Rosier has until 15 November and La Sécherie until 27 December!!! We’re not done we being a thorn in their side!!! The call for this weekend is still in place – to be together, defend places in danger of expulsion, rebuild, and prepare for the future!
9:00: a few rare police cars on the horizon …
7:00: The ZAD awakes gently to the sound of Radio Klaxon, which is broadcasting excerpts of news stories about recent days and the jingle for the re-occupation demonstration … (this evening we’ll know the date!)

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